I’ve done a fair bit of service work, like I know you have too. Perhaps its sending money to an organization, packing food to send abroad or tying blankets for families in need. Then I realized that most of my service work has been for elsewhere, not right here. It may be easier to think about disparity, pain and suffering somewhere else versus down the street.
Mother Teresa said, “Hunger for love is far greater than the hunger for bread. Find your own Calcutta. Stay in your neighborhood and serve loneliness.”
I’d be willing to bet that there is a great need right where you and I live. Even the most confident, friendly humans around us may be hurting on the inside. Why? Because suffering is invisible, and it shows itself in many flavors.
Today, Mother Teresa reminds me to be a little extra kind to my grocery store cashier. She reminds me to give a call to a family member I haven’t found the time for. Last weekend, she made me stop to talk with the retired grandfather passing time on the park bench. Today, she will make me put my to-do list down, then get on the floor to play with my children.
What will Mother Teresa inspire you to do today?