TOTAL READ TIME:  2.5 Minutes

Look at this little original gem, hugging the ocean. © Kathy J. Sotak

I see you.

Yeah, you on the right.

I saw you and smiled as I walked up a different street entrance from the shore. I finally found one. I found one beach front property that is different from the rest. One beach front property, kissing the ocean, that is fine being original. Fine being the way you were born.

Perfect, the way you were born.

I see you. You, who said no. You said no to several seven-figure temptations. Even though you’ve imagined what seven numbers and two commas could do in your bank account, you said no.

I see you.  You, who has enough. You said no as every neighbor on the block tore down their original bones to double in size. You watched as they calculated revenue per square foot, then built monstrosities to maximize profits. There’s nothing wrong with that of course. They may just not have enough, like you.

I see you. You are content. You’ve learned your striving was out of whack. Your striving was stealing joy from other parts of your life. There was a time when you wished you looked like your neighbors. Now, you appreciate the creaky floor board, the knife marks your grandson made on the table and the bathroom wallpaper that your mother picked out with joy. You appreciate it because of the memories it holds and the joy it continues to offer.

I see you. You don’t follow the masses. You think for yourself. You stand as you are, even as your town led a makeover. In fact, I think you are proud of being the only oceanfront property who is original.

I see you. You, whose picture says a thousand words. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for not erasing your image and copy your neighbors.

Thank you for being perfectly comfortable in your own skin.

Perfect, the way you were born.