Are you kicking around new commitments today? We don’t talk about new year’s goals anymore, because perhaps after years of trying it’s safer to keep to ourselves. This time of year, we eagerly write down our dreams for the next 365. Then, as the rhythm takes hold of our days, we slowly hear the fizzle.
I set goals every year – an expected ritual, which usually declares, “Lose weight and exercise more.” Or, “Save money and pay off debt.” Perhaps, you too?
If you disagree with me and have incredible success with each year’s goals, you may as well stop reading now. However, keep reading if you ponder like me, “Why are our new year’s goals pierced with uncertainty and struggle?” I’ll tell you why: we are doing it wrong.
Our goals hang out in the future, without an anchor in today. You may be familiar with the definition of depression and anxiety: depression can occur when our mind lives in the past; and anxiety can occur when our mind lives in the future. How much of my life have I lost by living in the past or the future? No wonder my new year’s goals haven’t worked.

On this new year, I am taking a new approach. I am planting seeds instead. When I do – I have to be present. I can’t just walk away.
When I set a goal:
- It feels like WORK to get there
- I sense I must STRUGGLE along the path
- It unconsciously says I may FALL short
- Only SOME succeed
When I plant a seed:
- I automatically begin with a sense of wonder and curiosity
- I am eager to spend time with my seeds, to witness how they unfold at every stage
- I treat them with great tenderness and care. I must regularly water, give sunlight and touch its leaves and soil
- Although I want to see it bear fruit in the future, I can’t worry about that now. My focus is tending to my garden as it is today
Today, I am planting my new year’s seeds with all of you. I carefully open my packets and place hand-selected seeds in this beautiful, fertile garden of 2022. My seeds include:
- Days that are drenched with golden drops of laughter and love, in strong community
- Infusion of spirit within these stories, providing a lift across blossoming readership
- Witness to bold expressions of awakening, across this one collective humanity
- Trust in my body to heal any mis-alignments, to serve its truest expression while on this earth
What seeds are you planting this year? Perhaps we can visit each other’s gardens, help pull weeds and tell a tale or two along the way. Later, we can celebrate each other’s harvest and pick the finest seeds for next year.
May the seeds of your new year be planted along the path towards your bliss.
With heartfelt love,
Lorna Howarth
I so concur with this article! I am all for sowing seeds of intention, which we can nurture and grow, rather than resolving not to do things, or to achieve unrealistic goals. Seeds of Intention also have their own energy and bring to us so much that is unexpected. This is a lovely, timely, profound and inspiring piece of writing. Thank you Kathy.
Thank you Dear Lorna for your words, and for reading! Have fun with your seeds for 2022 and beyond… I am confident you already are!