Kathy J. Sotak, on her own hero’s journey. Photo credit Robyn Alwi Photography


You are the Hero’s Journey.  You are the Journey to the Center of the Earth. You are the Greatest Story Ever Told.

Every ancestor sat at the fire speaking the same words. It was the story of deep forgetting then remembering. It was the story of pain then transmutation. It was the race to the finish line. It was a heartbreaking love story. It was the story of welling grace.

No matter what your story is, how deep the pain, how embedded the trauma, how stuck you feel – no matter how big your bag of shame, how hard it is to glance in the mirror or how tired you are, no matter the mountain of regret on your back –

Stop. Then Still. Grant your own permission to fall into your heart. There you’ll find yourself on the map of Your Very Own Heroes Journey.

Then, once you are still and centered and quiet… run. Run as fast as you can. Never stop until you find the gates of peace.

Where does peace live, you may ask?

The answer is encoded in every greatest story ever told:  it lives in the inner chamber of our heart. Run there and seek the shores of compassion.  Receive her calming waves of grace. Activate the wisdom of this water and it will carry you along your highest path of Your Very Own Heroes Journey.

The hidden message:  even though it sounds like we are traveling alone – we are never ever alone. Find the Source outside of you, follow the beam of light, grab a heartful of its radiance and let’s shine on together.

Join me in daringly swapping our version at the next backyard fire.  Besides, it’s the only story ever told.